The first three weeks I think were not as productive as the last three weeks. But I think that it was a path I needed to go through. Although I wasn't able to organise my thoughts behind the work and choose what I wanted to communicate to the audience, I think that loosely thinking about the project and going straight into the making part was a good experience for me.
I think the good thing about the first three weeks was that I was able to broadly come up with what I wanted to do and that I was able to do research and stop when I needed to go on to the making process.
I think the parts that needed more growth was to come up with the objective of the piece more faster. Perhaps a short introduction to the piece would have given me a little bit more direction to what the final piece would have looked like.

For now, this is my schedule for the rest of the project.
To be honest, I haven't really looked at the schedule since making it, but I have a sense of it in my head. Maybe that was the point of making the schedule in the first place.
I haven't worked much on the project expect for photographing the prototype since school ended. I can't help but feel VERY VERY unmotivated because of the lockdown. But I will need to finish this project as high quality as possible because it's been going so well up until that point.
-edit the prototype photo on photoshop
-make a net with the designs on it
-make the card design
-make questions (how many?)
-make exhibition ideas
Maybe do all of these until next week tutorial with Wendy.