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How have I got here

Writer's picture: Chihiro ShigemitsuChihiro Shigemitsu

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

  1. -What are your feelings about Graphic Design? I feel that this was the more better choice comapred to Illustration because I can do so much more things than just draw. And I like the process of thinking as much as making the actual piece. But it is difficult sometimes because I have to do both of visually appealing and answer the prompt correctly.

  2. -Why do I like woodwork? Because I like sawing, nailing, and all that cool stuff using my hands. And the outcome is big, heavy, and has a big presence.

  3. -Why do I like editing films? Because I like telling stories and doing them in a humorous manner. Also, films can pull out reactions from the audience more clearly (e.g. laughter, exclamation, disgust etc.)

  4. -why do I recently like independently working It's more productive, and I can do what I want to do. I don't have much confidence that I'll be able to design or make things up to the level I am right now with other people involved in it. If it's with people from other areas then I would be interested.

  5. -why do I like branding and marketing and making product designs I liked how it looked realistic and like an actual product. I liked designing for a concept.

  6. -Why do I like making books and zines Because I get to handmake things and I can tell a narrative with color. I like how I can play aorund with the context of the words, and also the material of paper. how to bind it, how to layer the pages, and what shape they could be. I want to find out more about the possibilities of books.

  7. -Why do I like interactions I think being able to connect with an idea and think deeply about it is one of my favourite things to do when I am in the process of designing. It's like I am the one connecting everything together and organizing the ideas.

  8. -What have i learned from research Making the prototypes give me a more clear image of what I want to do, because I can see what is visually pleasing. Doing a lot of research gives me confidence. But i need to work more on he experimenting and making part.

  9. -Do I like short term projects or long term projects I like long term projects. I like them because I get to research, experiments and work for a more longer and relaxed period. Making things for me take a lot of time to start on, so short term projects stress me out, and I don't know if I'll be satisfied with the results.

  10. Which projects have you enjoyed? Why? I liked "Just my Type" ad "Change it Now". I liked the typography because I was able to make a frame from the 3D workshop though I am not satisfied with the results. I also liked the idea as well. I liked the campaign because I was able to make a clear idea with a clear motive and the final result was something I really liked. I liked how I was able to glue on the beer bottle and the piece had impact.

  11. Which projects have you loathed? Why? "Just My Type" I really regret cutting off the finger. I could've done better, so maybe remaking it could be a option, but I don't have a really clear motive. "We the Planet" was something I am dissatisfied with. I think I wasn't able to connect to the prompt too much and that I wasn't able to have fun with it as much as I wanted to.

  12. What project did you learn the most from? I learned most from the project "Change it Now" because I researched more about the process of designing. About the labeling, about how the product should be presented. and how I should make the poster and all.

  13. What do you wish you had done more of? I wish I would've done more research for each project I was working on about what the professionals do when presenting their work. From this, I was able to have a more clear image about the process of creating the piece.

  14. Has your approach to working on a brief changed? How? I'm not so sure, but I approach it by thinking about what the brief is asking for, rather than what kind of piece it's litterally looking for, but rather, look for the objective of the problem or question raised in the prompt.

  15. When presented with a brief, how do you get started? Are there other ways to get going? I read it, I write down the key points of the brief, such as the questions raised or frequesntly used words. I research on the topic and the artist raised as examples in the brief.

  16. What are some of the best ways to develop your initial ideas? Draw them out, make them, sketch them, show them to other people, talk to friends about it in regular conversations.

  17. What are your particular skills? What other skills would be useful to learn? I think I have a knack for editing films using vine timings. I think I am able to effectively use bright colors. I think I am very good at my research and that my sketchbooks are good. I think all my works have a clear idea behind them. I think being able to use Adobe apps would come in handy. I think being able to make professional looking things would be better.

  18. How much use do you make of the research you do? Which aspects of your research are most useful? I think I make use of most of my research. I think the planning process of the idea behind the piece are the most useful because I can get back to them when I get lost in more ideas and remind myself of the goal of the work.

  19. Do you find contextual research useful? Why? Why not? I don't think I do much of it, just because I don't really need it. I get inspiration from primary research, looking at basic ones, then branching out on my own.

  20. Which have been your most successful ways of visualizing your ideas and developments? Random sketching, printing out and gluing on inspiration photos.

  21. Which parts of your design process would benefit from greater attention? Experimenting and prototype making .

  22. Who do you go to for feedback during a project? What effect does this feedback have on your work? Friends. I am able to notice the things I am lacking in.

  23. What direction do you think you might go in? For example: Society (I want to help… I want to change…) Typography (I want make title sequences… I want design my own font… I like language) Narrative (I want to tell stories… explore narrative structures… make an animation…) - I want to: -I want to show -I want to humorise -I want to make with wood or something hard and impactful -I want to tell a story -I want to make something beautiful -I want it to be fun -I want to make a zine -I want it to be cute and small and enjoyable -I want it to be playful -I want it to be something related to Japan -I want it to be WAFU -I want to be able to make something I can hold -I want to illustrate something -I DO NOT want it to be problematic, or consciously political

  24. What would you like to achieve in the course of your FMP? I want to make something professional. I want to be more careful before making the final product, so more experiment and prototype. I want to be able to find more of what kind of topic, materials, processes I am inetrested in.

  25. -what environment were I most productive in Library. Sometimes my room. Class is mainly for research and planning and printing only.


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