Started working on the card drafts a few days ago.... finally.
started thinking about visualising the word exposed and came up with:
-revealed=curtains revealing spotlight
-open=key to the door
-open=window, door
-share, connect=heart opening up
I got a drawing of a heart online and edited it and put the title on top of it.
I used warm coolers to be more close to the topic of the game being a positive and fun experience and a CONNECTING one. I mainly stuck to the pink color because of that.
I am having a hard time adjusting how to put the title onto the background drawing. But I was able to balance the density of shapes by putting more speech bubbles ion the background and more colors since the type used gradient colors.

Then my partner suggested putting some white highlight onto the speech bubbles.
It turned out like this:

Looks better this way.
Now I'll make the front side of the card with the test questions with the same colors and style. I'll need to think up of some kind of symmetry.