So today I've made the net for the prototype box (this time I used the cereal box type)
So first I went onto Adobe Illustartor, then made the net out of rectangles, then got the outline and score ready

This is the final outcome.
Then Ameet and I did some testing and cut it out with the machine.
First one came out like this. Ameet accidentally cut off the tab, but it looked pretty good.
The tab was a bit too short, so we made it longer.
Final one came out like this.
I think the overall size is a bit big for a card deck, and it's a bit hard to hold and also kind of fragile, so I need to glue them together properly.
This is what it looks like in the hand.
Yes a bit big.
The red one looks like this.
What to do from now
-make the scale
-design some more shapes like circles and triangles
-make design of the outer
-maybe it'll wrap around
-when the design is ready, print out with normal paper and cut out with Ameet
-talk to Carla about screen printing on textured paper