Clive Russel

Graphic Designer at This Ain't Rock 'n' Roll
-Interest in Printmaking from Foundation Year
-Went to the Graphic Design Course at Leeds
-Also designer for Brixton "Brixtopia"
-When making designs for movements, you need to learn from the past movements(sufforgate, punk, hippie)
colour palette
make the PERSONALITY of the movement
-Not a DIY movement, but a Do-It-Yourself movement
-For Extinction Rebellion (also known as XR), made a typeface inspired by Futura, made a colour palette, made a woodcut, made a patch for fashion unity
-When using the symbols of XR, you share an image, an experience
-Also made a book for Penguin
-Performance activism
-try to be apolitical when designing, but have to have some views

I think his designs using woodcuts were very cool. I also liked how he uses designs of others, such as the XR symbol and posters. I think collaboration is a major factor in Graphic Design, so I should also learn and take in from my peers.